'Primary business of the enterprise offering whole array of services with complete consultation and acknowledgment'
It is the oldest most reliable service which is offered to our partners and our clients within the ambit of the Pakistan Custom's framework and the legal guidelines in force. Working with unblemished Pakistan Customs license for last 2 decades, the special assistance is also made possible with the help of the experience and qualified staff working the same domain since long.
To date cleared thousands of import and export consignments, containers, break bulk shipments, oversized deliveries, liquid cargo and others with complete professionalism and skill. The commodity diversification has helped us and our partners / clients in gaining experience and expertise. The same has helped us in dedicatedly releasing the consignment within the available resources which is the key to custom brokerage. Following mentioned are some of the areas which are constantly covered by the company when it comes to custom brokerage;
- Consultation on Pakistan Customs laws and the policy matters therein
- Clearance of sea cargo, air cargo, dry port cargo and cargo within bonded warehouses all over the country
- Total duty assessment and special payment procedures with regards to different cargoes
- Proper goods classification and guidelines regarding each category
- Special packing procedures and the requirements of the Pakistan Customs therein
- Temporary and permanent, import and export procedures and guidelines
- General record keeping and data mining for precedents
- Free of cost qualitative and educative opinions on the Custom issues faced